Session 16
Date: Unknown
Time: Unknown
Place: Outdoors - Camping

Pack Alpha
Elodoth Iron Master
Voice of the Pack
Played by Adam Betts
Read Marcus's Blog

Ithaeur Bone Shadow
Mind of the Pack
Played by Ben Harris
Read Eric's Blog

Irraka Iron Master
Wits of the Pack
Played by Chris Boyer
Read Deacons's Blog

Sacrificed his life to destroy Simmons
Died During Session 13
Former Pack Alpha
Rahu Blood Talon
Played by Alex Eichen
Read Nails's Blog

Healing Scar's GM
White & Nerdy
Eithan's MySpace

Moon Phase Info

Full Moon - Rahu
Gibbous Moon - Cahalith
Half Moon - Elodoth
Crescent Moon - Ithaeur
New Moon - Irraka

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Thursday, January 12, 2006

Email Confirmations

If you look to the right of our webpage you will now notice that the proposed date and time for the next session is displayed. This is an attempt to iron out any confusion as to when and where the Healing Scars will be gaming next.

I have also devised a system of emails to replace our current system of calling folks up and having them verbally commit to a date. In with the new, out with the old, I say. There are many reasons as to why I feel it is necessary to switch to this format. I'll list a few.

  1. It's hard to reach people via phone. We all work different schedules. Most of the time, I end up leaving a message on one's machine and hope for the best.
  2. No central way to check on the status of the date/time. The Session date and time listed on the main page does perform this. It also lists which players have confirmed the proposed date and time and which haven't.
  3. I'm the hardest guy in the world to reach via phone. It's true. When I'm not working crazy hours or going to school, I'm generally spending time with my wife and my son. Translation: 90% of my time is spent elsewhere. I am however, always on the web and check my email multiple times each day.
  4. I hate phones. They are the devil. The guy who invented them can go to the devil and stay there for a long time.

I could go into further explanation of how this new system works, but I think the first confirmation email explains things nicely:

Session Confirmation Email #1

Healing Scars Packmates,

This is the proposed date and time for the next Healing Scars session:

Next Session: Fri 1/20/06
Locale: Adam's Place
Time: 10:00 p.m.

Please reply to this email and confirm the date above. If you are unable to confirm, please respond and suggest an alternate date and/or time. The date and time information can be found on our main website,

When a Healing Scars Packmate confirms the date and time, I will move their name from the "Unconfirmed" category to the "Confirmed" category. This information will be displayed on the main page. If someone cannot play at all, their name will be moved to the "Not Attending" category. By general rule of thumb we will play a session if 3 out of 4 packmates are willing to play.

If a change in the date and time occurs I will send out another email and the process of confirming will continue until an acceptable time and date has been established. Each new email will have a new confirmation number. This email, for example, is Session Conformation Email #1. If I send out another one, due to a change in date or time, it will be labeled Session Confirmation Email #2. This method will hopefully filter out countless phone calls and ease the communication process.

On the night before the actual session, I will phone everyone to get a voice confirmation. I look forward to our next gaming session.


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Comments on "Email Confirmations"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1/12/2006 3:57 PM) : 

I'm totally game for the following Friday. Also, I absolutely fucking love the pics and the layout. Once again, Eithan, you're going the extra-mile on this GM thing, and I think this site plays an excellent accessory to the game. Thank ya much, brotha.



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1/12/2006 5:26 PM) : 

An excellent system indeed. How does the group feel about also having an area where our email addresses are available? Bad idea, yes, maybe?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1/13/2006 1:21 PM) : 

I might be able to set up a contact script for each character, and then mask you email address. But I wouldn't want to list your email clearly on the front page. Something like that would best be served on the character blogs, I imagine.


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