Session 16
Date: Unknown
Time: Unknown
Place: Outdoors - Camping

Pack Alpha
Elodoth Iron Master
Voice of the Pack
Played by Adam Betts
Read Marcus's Blog

Ithaeur Bone Shadow
Mind of the Pack
Played by Ben Harris
Read Eric's Blog

Irraka Iron Master
Wits of the Pack
Played by Chris Boyer
Read Deacons's Blog

Sacrificed his life to destroy Simmons
Died During Session 13
Former Pack Alpha
Rahu Blood Talon
Played by Alex Eichen
Read Nails's Blog

Healing Scar's GM
White & Nerdy
Eithan's MySpace

Moon Phase Info

Full Moon - Rahu
Gibbous Moon - Cahalith
Half Moon - Elodoth
Crescent Moon - Ithaeur
New Moon - Irraka

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Saturday, June 30, 2007

Session 12. The Fight Ahead.

Nails places a vice grip on his attacker, slowly draining the life from his human frame. The victim’s voice attempts to break through the stranglehold, coming through in brief stints as a hoarse series of whispers. The bitter fragments of speech relay that the Beshilu host thinks he can help them. Ghetto might even be able to cure the werewolves of their pesky ailment. But it isn’t going to do them any good if he’s dead, he explains. Nails, pack Alpha of the Healing Scars, contemplates his offer and decided to accept, releasing the death hold. He wants answers, so with little patience he demands that Ghetto speak quickly.

Ghetto was approached by Simmons months ago in New York City and offered a job. He was to accompany him to various locations, using his fellow rat brethren as foot soldiers. Ghetto told the boy to shove off, giving him the finger. Simmons was not impressed by his boldness and decided to use the Beshilu's services anyways. Simmons calls forth an ancient hidden power, enslaving Ghetto. A spiritual cord connects Ghetto with Simmons, allowing him to perform his bidding. Since his enslavement, Ghetto has been traveling from city to city cleaning up after the fowl Uratha, using his fellow rat spirits to eat away any opposition.

While Ghetto is explaining his actions to the Scars, the parvovirus once again emerges and threatens to destroy the packmates. Each member’s resistances are put to the test, and Eric Sky's immune system fights long and hard but ultimately fails him. Sky looses consciousness as his mind slips into another realm. Sky is in a forest. He sees a woman of tremendous beauty with fiery crimson hair in a simple green dress. She sings the following words:

One day I may disappear
Don't be too surprised
'Cause I get tired of
Noisy alarms
& phone bills

& I don't think we're meant to stay here very long
I don't dream of bringing heaven down not like this
I'd rather move on

One day I may go for the longest walk
Don't be too shocked
'Cause I get tired of
Sneaky societies
& combat boots

& I don't think we're meant to stay here very long
I don't dream of bringing heaven down not like this
I'd rather move on

As if running through fire, Eric Sky is rushed back to the world of the living in a flash of pain. Sky has almost tasted death, and the experience will linger in his soul reminding of the impending doom should the disease get its way. Sky is not dead, but his life signs are failing. Ghetto urges the pack to follow him to his lair; the Beshilu has medicines within that could prove useful to aid their fallen comrade. As one might expect, the rat spirit's home is nothing more than a massive hole in the earth several miles from where the battle was fought. Trash lines the walls, and there is a thick stench hovering in the air. A pair of prostitutes greet the rat spirit and the pack as they enter. Ghetto explains that his bitches are also Beshilu spirits living in human corpses. These women are most certainly living dead. Their bodies, oozing with scabs and sores, hold a zombie-like appearance as mounds of flesh have completely rotted away. Ghetto offers the girl's "services" to each member of the pack. No one accepts, though Deacon asks if he has any liquor handy. Ghetto grins wide and tosses half a bottle of Colt-45 malt liquor in his direction.

Once it becomes apparent that Sky has recovered from the rat's medicines, Ghetto continues his story. He says that prior to his abduction, his master told him that all of these events would happen: his enslavement at the hands of another and his eventual freedom from a pack of werewolves from a distant land. Ghetto did not take much of this talk seriously at the time, probably in part to him being under the influence of various illegal substances. Ghetto also remembers that his master also told him that after these events came to pass he was to take these strangers to him. Ghetto hates that Simmons is trying to seal up the Gauntlet. As a rat host, it is his job to go against the Azlu by tearing down the barriers between the spirit and the physical worlds. Though Ghetto and most of his kind normally hate the children of father wolf, he decides to make an exception. He says he will even sell his soul to THE MAN in order to see that David Simmons goes down. The have earned a strange, new ally. They leave Ghetto's abode and travel deeper into the forest in search of his mentor. Ghetto leads them into a cave of various tunnels and passages. As they proceed through the cavern, the surroundings become vaguely familiar. The Healing Scars have been here before. This is the same trail that took them to Shadow Wind back when the pack was trying to gain entry to the Ethros realm. At the end of the trek, Ghetto leads them to that aged Uratha. From the hissil, the old man portrays a powerful visage. Shadow Wind sits on a throne of gold dressed in the robe of a king. His face holds the look of wisdom, one who has existed from a time long forgotten to all but him.

Shadow Wind waste no time with salutations. He is aware of the pack’s diseases and explains that he may be able to help. First, he will need four of Ghetto’s strongest Beshilu spirits. Shadow Winds tells the werewolves that he can slow the disease by physically placing one of the rat spirits inside each wolf. A Beshilu spirit naturally eats the heart of its victim making them a slave to the spirit’s desires. Shadow Wind believes that if he can store the spirit outside of the heart, it will eat away at the disease ceasing further infection. This is, of course, very dangerous. The rat spirit must physically tunnel through the host. Once, inside the rat might get greedy and go for the heart, which would prove fatal. Shadow Wind believes the without some kind of intervention the Healing Scars will not last more than 24 hours. He asks if one would step forward, one brave enough to volunteer in this experiment. Without hesitation, Eric Sky agrees. The rat chews through his flesh, burrowing between his ribcage. As painful as this ordeal might be, it is child’s play compared to his recent near dearth experience. Eric Sky is consumed with a will to live and will do whatever is necessary to help himself and his pack. Several agonizing minutes later, the process is complete. While the disease is still present, the infection is no longer spreading. The rat inside is eating away at it each time the disease attempts to place a stranglehold on the Uratha. It is a success, and the remaining members of the Healing Scars follow suit. They too battle great pain and eventually the Beshilu spirits find their way inside, protecting them from further harm.

While the Scars rest, Shadow Wind thanks his fellow brethren for all they have done since they last met. He is quite pleased with their efforts and offers each of them gifts. Shadow Wind teaches Eric Sky one of his most precious gifts. This power gives its user and willing targets the ability to change appearances in the shadow realm. At greater levels he might be able to completely disguise himself. At its current state, he will be able to use it to mask the disease and the Beshilu spirits. This could prove useful if the Healing Scars decide to attend the lodge meeting, as the other werewolves will believe them to be cured. For Deacon Sharpe, Shadow Wind admits he does not know him well enough to help the Uratha specifically but insists that he will teach him any level 2 gift he requires, within his bounds. Nails, still consumed by his rage, wants nothing more than to put an end to David Simmons. Shadow Wind recognizes this, and grants him an increase in primal urge. As far as Marcus Blair is concerned, Shadow Wind reveals a secret about the sword Eternal Balance gave him. As Blair might have guessed, this is no ordinary blade. One of these powers he has used already, though he may not have not at the time. On days and nights of the Elodoth half-moon, Marcus can use this weapon to travel back and forth to the Ethros realm at will. This is how Blair spoke with Eternal Balance the last night while he and the pack were locked in the meat locker.

Marcus is eager to tell the rest of the pack about his weapon’s new powers. That night is still a half-moon, meaning the pack can travel back to Ethros realm if they so desire. The lodge meeting is not for several more hours, so Nails decides they can afford to take this detour. The sword works as intended and the Uratha find themselves back in the Ethros realm, though in a room they had never been in before. This area appears to be some sort of a factory with assembly lines, conveyor belts, and the like. A young man in a business suit sneers in their direction. It is Killer-of-Lies, one of Eternal Balances underlings. He and the Scars have a past, and he does not care much for the intruders. But Killer and the Scars both favor the Ethros elder Eternal Balance, and in this they share a common bound. Killer sarcastically greets the pack. He does not recognize Deacon Sharpe (the previous events in the Ethros realm happened before he joined the pack). Killer-of-Lies tells everyone that they are standing in one of the resurrection rooms. It is in this place spirits who are tried under Ethros law are revived and placed under their newly appointed ban. Eternal Balance has graciously given the pack authority to personally oversee the reconstruction of their totem, Rids-the-Pain. The great bear spirit will receive his new ban, as well as whatever powers the pack chooses within their limits. A ban is chosen. New powers are assigned. The factory springs to life as gears grind and turn. Rids-the-Pain is born anew and gladly joins his pack.

But time is of the essence. Nails and the rest of the Scars cross back into the physical world, ready to attend the lodge meeting. Before they go, Eric Sky uses his new gift and masks the packs spiritual signatures. To the common Uratha, the pack will appear completely cured. Since The Lodge of Harmony holds it’s meeting in a small valley on a secluded side of a mountain in Rocky Mountain National Park. The only way to reach this destination is to treacherously climb to the other side, which no doubt requires some nimble athletics. The werewolves collectively have no problems scaling the rock and make the climb in great speed. At the bottom of the cliff, Sparks is there to greet them. He is surprised as hell that they made it and found a cure to the parvovirus. He would love to chat in detail as to how they overcame this, but tonight's event is about to start. The lodge meeting begins as various congregation sing melodies of times past in the first tongue. Half a dozen fires are lit, one for each of the packs present. As the first order of business, common matters within the area are discussed such as squabbles for territory, locus management, and threats from the Pure. Most of the talk is spearheaded by the eldest Uratha, Swift Eyes, who resides over the entire lodge meeting. Finally the business concerning the Healing Scars is brought to the table. Swift Eyes tells of the impending threat. A rogue Uratha known by the name of David Simmons has attempted to spread a disease which has killed many normal wolves in our territory. This plague has been mutated by Simmons and is believed to contain the potential to wipe out all of the Uratha. Swift Eyes smiles and announces that, it is with great pride and joy, this threat is no more. His speech strangely changes tone. Swift Eyes informs the delegation that this entire catastrophe, the disease, Simmon’s attacks, everything, is all a grave misunderstanding. David Simmons should be commended, not persecuted. This young werewolf has cleared his name; his parvovirus was never intended with the Uratha in mind as a target. It was actually meant to be used as a weapon to drive away the foulest of the foul, their mortal enemies, the Pure. A cure has been found for the drug by members of the Deathdealers and by the aid of the Healing Scars. Swift Eyes looks at the pack and commends them for their cooperation. The aged wolf makes a startling decree: In one week’s time, he will be traveling north to Yellowstone Park to meet with Simmons and hopes all will present here today will join him. Together they will obtain the cure, vanquish their foes, and return honor to both Luna and Father Wolf!

A thunderous applause pierces the air. The majority of those present have bought into his story: hook, line, and sinker. The Scars hang their heads in shame. Nails wants nothing to do with this, gathering his men to leave this travesty. As they depart, Sparks intercepts them. He was not among those who were impressed by Swift Eye’s speech. He tells the pack that the lodge is grateful for all they’ve done, presenting them with tickets back to London. But the werewolf does not wish them to leave. The Lodge of Harmony will be walking into certain destruction at the hands of David Simmons in one week. He says he has a plan. He wants to accompany the pack on a journey northward to intercept Simmons before the meeting occurs. The objective is quite simple: kick his ass. Nails wastes no time contemplating. To him, killing Simmons is not a decision. It is as involuntary as a heartbeat. It WILL happen.


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