Session 16
Date: Unknown
Time: Unknown
Place: Outdoors - Camping

Pack Alpha
Elodoth Iron Master
Voice of the Pack
Played by Adam Betts
Read Marcus's Blog

Ithaeur Bone Shadow
Mind of the Pack
Played by Ben Harris
Read Eric's Blog

Irraka Iron Master
Wits of the Pack
Played by Chris Boyer
Read Deacons's Blog

Sacrificed his life to destroy Simmons
Died During Session 13
Former Pack Alpha
Rahu Blood Talon
Played by Alex Eichen
Read Nails's Blog

Healing Scar's GM
White & Nerdy
Eithan's MySpace

Moon Phase Info

Full Moon - Rahu
Gibbous Moon - Cahalith
Half Moon - Elodoth
Crescent Moon - Ithaeur
New Moon - Irraka

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Saturday, January 07, 2006

The Conduit Fetish


Agamemnon, Jaggling of the Shadow

Eric Sky

Weapon/Support (Whip)

+1 Bashing/+1 Lethal - *1 Essence/1 Health
+1 to Disarm/Grapple
+1 Against Skeletons and Vampires

The whip is of standard black design, with incricate runes carved in the leather weaving. When dormant, the whip is 5ft. in length. When activated, the leather twists lightly as though it were breathing, occasionally twitching.


Essence Transfer: As a standard ability, when activated, the whip allows for the transfer of essence to and from a desired target. The user spends 1 essence, and activates the whip. The user must then entangle the target, living or spiritual, via Grapple (Dexterity will replace Strength for this maneuver, as the weapon is engaging in the Grapple). The user then makes an Intelligence + Occult roll vs. the target's Intelligence + Composure. *For a success, the user and target's essence can then be transferred to one another at a rate of 1 Essence per round of combat, or every six seconds. If the user fails, the whip deactivates and the user loses 1 Essence. If there is no Essence to be lost, the user will lose 1 Health instead. For an exceptional success, the user may transfer additional Essence at GM discretion.

Extend/Retract, Thorns: Upon expenditure of 2 Essence, the whip extrudes jagged barbs which line its length, effectively making its damage lethal. Its "breathing" becomes more noticeable, and its movements are more violent and rapid. At the user's will, the whip can then extend and retract to a minimum of 2 ft. and a maximum of 10ft., moving at very high speeds. The user gains +1 towards Grapple and Disarm, as the whip's thorned edge and tightened attacks make these more effective.

Heave: The whip can be perceived as a muscle in and of itself. Having been activated and engaged in a Grapple, the whip can absorb Essence on its own. This Essence roll remains the same, but all Essence goes to the whip. Upon absorbing enough Essence from a target, the whip can then hurl that or another target several feet. The distance and weight are GM discretion, but 200lbs is its maximum lifting strength*.

Drawbacks: The whip is highly attuned to the Shadow. Such is its bond with spirit that when in the Shadow, the whip becomes mildly sentient. It bonds with the user's dominate hand, wrapping itself around his/her upper arm. The fetish then acts as more of a tentacle than a whip, occasionally snapping and grappling of its own accord. The stronger the bond with the owner, the more likely the whip is to succumb to his/her will. A willpower roll may be required to keep Conduit under the user's control. *When using the Heave ability while in the Shadow, Conduit can hurl up to 400lbs or more, as it is stronger when in this realm. This can be dangerous, as the whip could techincally pull the user, if it so desired.

Special: Eric Sky can perform the Binding and Banishing Rituals, as well as the Life Drain with the use of this whip. This process takes a minimum of 4 turns, and 3 Essence. The Life Tap must be activated, as well as the Conduit. When these are complete, Eric must Grapple the target with the whip. If successful, he can begin the Health/Essence transfer at the beginning of the next round, or he can begin the desired Rite.

Also, Conduit's affinity for the Shadow give it latent abilities that may be accessed at the GM's discretion. With a sufficient source of energy and proper activation, Conduit may be used to tear holes in the Gauntlet, or even create portals to the destination of the user's choice.

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Comments on "The Conduit Fetish"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1/10/2006 11:31 AM) : 

I am a big fan of this fetish. While it is easy to take these items and turn them solely into weapons, you’ve gone the extra mile and made it far more versatile. Also, as a storyteller, it allows me to throw in various challenges that might prompt you towards using this “Conduit Fetish.”

The updated pictures, as well as a section for Chris’s character will be posted very soon.

Also, I forgot to mention experience points for blog posting. Ben +2 for your efforts. Alex +1 for your post. For now, consider it one point per post until further notice.


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