Session 16
Date: Unknown
Time: Unknown
Place: Outdoors - Camping

Pack Alpha
Elodoth Iron Master
Voice of the Pack
Played by Adam Betts
Read Marcus's Blog

Ithaeur Bone Shadow
Mind of the Pack
Played by Ben Harris
Read Eric's Blog

Irraka Iron Master
Wits of the Pack
Played by Chris Boyer
Read Deacons's Blog

Sacrificed his life to destroy Simmons
Died During Session 13
Former Pack Alpha
Rahu Blood Talon
Played by Alex Eichen
Read Nails's Blog

Healing Scar's GM
White & Nerdy
Eithan's MySpace

Moon Phase Info

Full Moon - Rahu
Gibbous Moon - Cahalith
Half Moon - Elodoth
Crescent Moon - Ithaeur
New Moon - Irraka

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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Apologies for Nothingness

It absolutely figures. I write a post last week confirming that many awesome things (session summary, posts of coolness) would grace our site and, sadly, I haven't made good on any of those promises. Excuses follow: this Memorial Day holiday weekend became very family-oriented (which is of course fine as they should be) eating up the time I had thought would go towards the game. Work-related stress has once again reared its ugly head: the capital project I'm running has put our engineering guys in a hissy-fit with our sister-company over our new thermal system which they designed and sorta fucked up (one of those multi-million $$ boo-boo's).

Excuses aside, I hope to get my collective shit together and crank out content very soon. I have a rough draft for session 13 on paper but it desperately needs revision. I seriously doubt it will be ready for this weekend. So my question is, how does the weekend after next (June 8-9) feel for you guys? Comment here, or email me, or call, or whatever electronic device route you feel is appropriate to respond.

Thanks. I really heart your patience!


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