Session 16
Date: Unknown
Time: Unknown
Place: Outdoors - Camping

Pack Alpha
Elodoth Iron Master
Voice of the Pack
Played by Adam Betts
Read Marcus's Blog

Ithaeur Bone Shadow
Mind of the Pack
Played by Ben Harris
Read Eric's Blog

Irraka Iron Master
Wits of the Pack
Played by Chris Boyer
Read Deacons's Blog

Sacrificed his life to destroy Simmons
Died During Session 13
Former Pack Alpha
Rahu Blood Talon
Played by Alex Eichen
Read Nails's Blog

Healing Scar's GM
White & Nerdy
Eithan's MySpace

Moon Phase Info

Full Moon - Rahu
Gibbous Moon - Cahalith
Half Moon - Elodoth
Crescent Moon - Ithaeur
New Moon - Irraka

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Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Nicholas "Nails" DeWinter

Eithan asked for a summation of Nails' philosophy, so here it is...

Nails' simplistic background betrays the complexity of his emotional state -- he is at once an avatar of destruction, who thirsts for nothing more than absolute war, and a man, who processes every thought by its relevance to the constructiveness of his affiliation with the Destroyer Wolf.

Other than his pack, few know any historical details about Nails. One little-known fact is that he was once a Predator King of the Pure Tribes. Why he left is uncertain; in truth, he feels very little about this save he does not want it discussed. He understands that this may cause problems later on, but status and rank among his peers is not important to him at all. The rest of Nails' background, whether due to the influence of some external force or just his own lack of attention, is unclear to him. It's not in Nails' nature to dwell or brood on the past -- rather, he puts all thought and effort into the present. He focuses on his function within the pack, and his first thoughts in any situation are most likely to be on how "problems" can come to immediate resolve, without regards to ramifications or morality. Both future and past are irrelevant.

Nails' has a profound connection with the Destroyer Wolf. No one is certain why this is, or the history behind it, but Nails makes it clear that destruction in its purest form is at the core of his being. He recognizes that he still needs to work on the distinction between constructive entropy (if there is such a thing) and evil, none of which comes from any emotional response. The only emotion Nails values is Rage; everything else just gets in the way.

Nails could be considered a blend of Marv from Sin City, Porter from Payback, and the Incredible Hulk -- he began as a tribute to these sort of characters but is still evolving into his own identity.

In response to the post "What I Think Your Characters are Thinking", I have to say I got a good idea of how Nails is perceived. Nails does feel -- he just quickly pushes feelings aside. Though he is not at all smart, Nails is coldly logical at times (whatever "logical" means to him). Nails grants Simmons (whom he refers to as "Junior") his respect as a powerful opponent, and sees him as a constant reminder of his need to grow. Eithan's observation that it's unclear as to who the "bad guy" is illustrates Nails' need for identity in this regard. A sense of right and wrong conflicts with Nails' philosophy that he is merely a vessel for Destroyer Wolf without true name or any purpose but Destroyer's. Nails' is not decidedly "good" or "evil", but merely an extension of the Destroyer, whatever He may desire. Though subconsciously and consciously he does consider himself to be physically superior to his packmates, he leaves the thinking and talking to them to promote the unity of the pack. And what he thinks of Eric and Marcus he keeps to himself.


Comments on "Nicholas "Nails" DeWinter"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11/17/2005 10:12 AM) : 

Right on the money! That was exactly what I wanted you to post. I love how you respect Simmons but call him "Junior" all the same.

Also, if you look in the Pack section, this post is directly linked as "Background Philosophy." I'd love to have the character sheets in that section too. If you have any other Nail's related stuff just make a post and I'll permalink (permanantly link) it to the Pack section.

Thanks again.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11/17/2005 6:35 PM) : 

Character sheets would probably have to be updated too frequently; that is, unless, you wanted to date them and go by every two months, or something.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11/17/2005 8:12 PM) : 

That's what I was thinking, updating them (character sheets) every now and then. At least that way I have a hard copy to gague the characters when I write our stories, and if someone looses their sheet they something to go off of. I think in the past we've all lost a char sheet or two and had to do our best to recreat the stats.


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