Session 16
Date: Unknown
Time: Unknown
Place: Outdoors - Camping

Pack Alpha
Elodoth Iron Master
Voice of the Pack
Played by Adam Betts
Read Marcus's Blog

Ithaeur Bone Shadow
Mind of the Pack
Played by Ben Harris
Read Eric's Blog

Irraka Iron Master
Wits of the Pack
Played by Chris Boyer
Read Deacons's Blog

Sacrificed his life to destroy Simmons
Died During Session 13
Former Pack Alpha
Rahu Blood Talon
Played by Alex Eichen
Read Nails's Blog

Healing Scar's GM
White & Nerdy
Eithan's MySpace

Moon Phase Info

Full Moon - Rahu
Gibbous Moon - Cahalith
Half Moon - Elodoth
Crescent Moon - Ithaeur
New Moon - Irraka

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Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Experience Points

I've always hated the concept of dealing out experience, especially with the World of Darkness system. The fix I provide below is by no means "perfect," but with our game I desperately need a more accurate way to gauge one's progress. This is a draft that will be used for session 6. By the way, the session 5 summary is 90% complete and should be posted tomorrow. The mini-blogs are also 90% complete. I shall contact the players to iron out the details of posting and all that jazz. Hopefully everyone's excited about this stuff; again these journals will be optional. But posting in the eyes and ears of your Uratha character will definitely earn you EXP points in the future.

Behold the new system for handing out experience in the Healing Scars sessions. It mostly follows White Wolf's current formula, with a few twists. With these new mechanics it is possible to lose points if a character follows ego and tries to gain experience points for non-herioc deeds (See Heroism). Also added is MVP points that reward the deeds of one particular packmate. The learning curve system has new flavor by associating the deed proposed with a certain skill or attribute. That way, if a character wants to spend EXP points to raise a stat, I might require that they have a learning curve associated to that stat through roleplaying first, even if they have the number of EXP points required to raise it.

Experience Points System

1) Breathing. That's right; you get ONE experience point for just being in the session.
[+1 EXP, Automatic for every Character]

2) Learning curve. Each player can attempt to explain "what they learned this session" towards a particular attribute or skill. If they represent this claim well they receive ONE experience point. Also, I will be tracking learning curves for each player and might deny someone boosting their stats if they haven't grown enough in that particular area.
[+1 EXP, for Characters Proving Learning Curve]
[0 EXP, if Character Fails to Prove Learning Curve]

3) Exceptional Success. This is very simple, if the character performs at least one action that yields an exceptional success, they received ONE experience point. Dramatic failure has nothing to do with this system, failing one of those rolls is dangerous enough as it is.
[+1 EXP, if Character has at least One Exceptional Success]
[0 EXP, if Chracter has No Exceptional Successes]

3) The Incredible "Fuckup" Point. The character gets ONE EXP point for fixing/surviving some tremedously stupid action. This is storyteller's discrection.
[+1 EXP, If Character Overcomes the Feat]
[0 EXP, if Character does not Overcome any Feat]

4) True to Form. Sticking "true to form" deserves experience, simply because people fine-tune that which is steadily practiced. This ONE EXP allows characters EXP even if they "suck" for an evening, but still grow from their actions as a character.
[+1 EXP, If Character Holds True to Form]
[0 EXP, if Character Does Not Stay True to Form]

5) Heroism. Performing heroic deeds is not all that stands to being a hero. To receive TWO experience points for heroism the character must recall a situation they handled in regards to one of their primary Renown skills. This must be something extraordinary, something a normal Uratha would not have done in their place. Characters should be very careful when considering their deeds heroic; they should always listen to their heart and not their ego. Hero points are graded harshly and if not represented one can loose ONE experience point instead of gaining it. If a character doesn't want gamble on heroism points, they can deny the attempt all together.
[+2 EXP, If Character Attempts and Proves Heroism]
[-1 EXP, if Character Attempts and Fails to Prove Heroism]
[+0 EXP, if Character Denies Attempt to Prove Heriosm]

6) MVP Award. Each player secretly votes who they feel contributed most to the success of the session. I, the storyteller, will also cast a vote. The winner of the vote gets THREE experience points. Note: In the event of a tie, no points are awarded.
[+3 EXP, if Character Wins MVP Vote]
[+0 EXP, in the Event of a Tie for MVP Vote]

Thanks to Ben for the updates and changes to the system. With it currently in place it is possible to recieve anywhere from zero to ten EXP points. On average, I expect the characters to recieve between 5-7.

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Comments on "Experience Points"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11/29/2005 5:58 PM) : 

I really like the concepts you've got going here. This has potential for some very daring-do.

I do however think that there are some possible issues. For instance, even if a player does an extraordinary job roleplaying, there may not be any moments in which he displays heroism, learns, or is voted as MVP. So, Alex could play Nails to the T, but if I make some lucky choices/rolls in combat, that has a chance to outshine Alex's deserved display of character.

I've always considered sticking "true to form" deserves experience, simply because people fine-tune that which is steadily practiced. Thus, if Nails beats ass for an entire session, but doesn't solve the Riddle of Ancients, ignores the burning orphan, and rolls poor for the evening (all which have happened previously, to some effect) he would only really merit one experience point. What if we inducted the "character" experience point again? This would at least allow for someone to suck for an evening, but still grow from his actions. Oh! We could also offer the "incredible fuckup" experience point, in which the character gets an automatic point for fixing/surviving some tremedously stupid action.

You've got a good eye, and I trust that you would reward based on good performances. These are just a simple player's worries, do with them as you will.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11/30/2005 8:42 AM) : 

Ben, thanks for your honest opinions. I do agree with those recommendations and I've changed the post to reflect your ideas. It's really great that I can get feedback like this because, in the end, it make our roleplaying so much more enjoyable.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12/06/2005 2:40 PM) : 

i havent been on in a while due to computer problems (if it isnt one thing it is another) but i am just catching up on all of the posts and i decided to put my opinion here instead of commenting on every single post... I LOVE IT ALL!!! i love the exp ideas and i love how in session 4 you made it to where we didnt really dicuss the plan but everything we said as people was like a conversation that was going on inside of all of our heads to make it more realistic. great job eithan, keep up the good work and i look forward to the next rping opportunity.


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